
Pink Rants About Fans Who Blasted Her for Canceling Concert

By Jon Wiederhorn
The good news for Pink: the pop star is almost back at full strength after suffering an ear and respiratory infection caused by rotavirus, a condition most frequently affecting young children that causes fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
The bad news: Some of her fans are irate about an open letter she wrote on her official website to defend herself for canceling a show in Birmingham, England two weeks ago.
"I am a human being, therefore I am able to catch illness," she said as part of a 553-word post that flip-flopped from an apologetic to near-belligerent tone. "It is beyond my control--and I can't apologize for that."
The singer explained what she had been diagnosed with: "Look it up. I challenge any one of you to do what I do while sick with that. You couldn't do it."
"I had to cancel: and I say 'had' because I had absolutely no choice in the matter, no control over the circumstances, and physically could not get my sick ass on stage...even a doctor told me I could not go on stage whether I wanted to or not," she noted. "To all of you: I sincerely apologize, AGAIN, for any inconvenience this may have caused you."
She continued by explaining that she hardly ever cancels shows and has the utmost appreciation for fans who buy tickets to see her perform. "To those of you that expect and feel entitled to perfection; Have a look at my track record--please--in general--for tours past. I have an incredible record. I do not cancel and I do not take it for granted how much trouble people go to--from spending hard earned money they don't have, to travel expenses and time and planning," she said. "That's why I never phone it in. I go on stage and pour my f---ing heart and body out on that stage...I try to put the best show on that I can, that any human being can, and I don't stop until I know you're happy."
Maybe Pink should have stopped there. Instead, she ranted about the fans that have vocally complained about the Birmingham show cancellation. "Guess what? I might actually get sick again on this tour," she wrote. "Can you imagine it? How dare I even think that? I have a two year old who is building her immune system by getting sick all over the place. And the fact that I even went on tour while being a full time mom is a miracle in itself."
She continued, "The next time I schedule dates- ill [sic] have to say to myself--'if, God forbid I have to cancel one show, those fans will turn on me like rabid dogs and question the moral fabric of my character.' For the loyal and understanding fans--I am so so sorry if I've hurt you in any way. For the rest of you--Kindly kiss my entire almost back to healthy ass."
Pink’s next performance on the Truth About Love tour is tonight (May 6) in Dusseldorf, Germany. She has overseas dates scheduled through September 5 in Sydney, Australia. On October 10, Pink will begin a U.S. tour in Oakland, California that runs through December 14 in Atlanta.

